Passiflora coccinea
This plant was grown several years ago from seed . It was very pretty when it flowered. Yet, it never was a very vigorous plant and produced flowering shoots only rarely.
Passiflora incarnata 'Incense'
I let this one run up the house wall during the summer months. Morning sun is sufficient to produce these beautiful, nicely scented flowers.

June 2005
This one expired a few years ago.
Passiflora vitifolia
A prolific bloomer -  during the winter in my sun room
and here in summer outside on the side entrance among scented Geraniums.
Passiflora alato-caerulea
P. x belotii

A happy plant, sitting in its summer location on the deck where it gets plenty sun and water. Passionflowers are heavy feeders and don't ever like to dry out.
This plant spends the indoor season in the greenhouse where it climbs around the door frame and threatens to engulf everything with its long runners.
P. x belotii has a very pretty fruity fragrance.
I photographed this Passionflower in August 1992 in the Pantanal region in Brazil.
Passiflora incarnata -
planted outside (in NJ) in the spring of 1999.  It started to run up the house wall und produced  nicely scented  showy flowers.

But, I never seem to be able to keep this one for long either, just like its cultivar.
Passiflora violacea
or a closely related cultivar.
The runners usually wind up somewhere in our Dogwood  tree during the summer months. Most blossoms are produced in late summer only. No scent is detected.

June 2005
The plant was all around a fairly poor bloomer and had to give up its spot to make room for easier flowering varities.

It is probably the easiest of all my Passion flowers to grow. It flowers freely outside in summer. During the indoor season in our sun room or greenhouse, the large plant produces many  flowering shoots across the room.
It needs copious amounts of fertilizer (10 50 10  mostly)  and buckets of water year around. The flowers are really pretty and have a nice scent. 
This photo was taken in April 2000 in Thailand near Kanchanaburi. Long vines of this plant grew in a ditch next to a Tapioca field.
The flowers measure about 2 inches. It could be P. foetida, a variable species.
Below is a piece of the vine with  three- lobed leaves and buds enclosed in - typical for P.foetida -  feathery bracts.
P. caerulea flowering in fragrant waves on the deck                                                June 2005
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Passiflora coriacea