Cirrhopetalum putidum

These pictures were taken on August 7. 2005
The link points to the same flowering plant in 2004, the timing (about August 11. of last year) is amazing.
What you can't see in this picture, the plant has now also spread over the back of the tree fern slab. One of this year's flowers opened two days ago and it is very cute.

See below - the little tassels wiggle in the breeze and the purple, hinged lip sparkles.  Flies were buzzing about the flower all day!  In the morning the flower smelled a bit like rotten fish and by evening this scent was replaced by a musky/animal cage- like smell. No wonder the flies were jumping all over it, in its natural habitat one would expect the flower to be pollinated by carrion flies.
I could only detect the smell by placing my nose right on the flowers, so it shouldn't deter anybody from growing this interesting orchid.
And some close ups
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Paph. Psyche  (  bellatulum x niveum)
August 16. 2005

This very pretty Paph started to bud outside during our very hot Summer months when temperatures climbed for days into the nineties. The plant was protected from straight sun and was flooded twice a day with rain-water.